Welcome to A Joyfueled Life…
…where I help others fuel their life with more joy through faith-filled encouragement, community, and Bible studies. At the heart of a Joyfueled Life is Jesus & serving others. Whether you know Jesus, don’t know Jesus, or have some questions, this is a place for you! God never intended us to walk alone, so together we will walk in Faith with Christ to chase down our unique God-given callings + purpose for our lives. Here’s to a life fueled with more Jesus and more Joy, a truly joyfueled life.
prayed, listened, dreamed
prayed, listened, dreamed.
Over the last two years, I prayed, I listened, I dreamed, I worked, I waited, I believed & now, I launched @a.joyfueled.life. This has been the product of the last two years of God working and a piece of my heart & passion. I have a heart for the Lord and a passion for sharing the good news of Jesus with others. It is my hope and prayer that A Joyfueled Life helps you fuel your life with more joy through faith-filled encouragement, community, Bible studies & more.
I’ve found any time you have both community and accountability in your faith journey, you are setting yourself up for success - a more joyful, abundant & harvest filled life, not because God promised a life without trials, but because a relationship with Him is where abundance, joy, peace (& more) is found knowing He is always working for our good in every circumstance. To have Jesus in your heart, is to have joy in your life! Now let’s Chase Jesus and Joy to live a joyfueled life!

The name “Joyfueled” serves as the heart behind this community.
Fueling your life with Jesus, will lead you to live a joy filled life no matter your circumstances.
joyfueled /verb/ : actively fueling your life with Jesus to know that eternal joy can be found in all circumstances
Choose Joy • Chase Joy • Believe Joy
November 2019, I was in a dark spot. I was in grad school as I very impatiently waited for a call to move overseas for professional basketball. I wasn’t loosing faith but I was frustrated, sad and my usually joyful personality was fading. I went to church every week and prayed constantly but something was still missing. One Sunday the sermon was on “unsubscribing from darkness.” It was this sermon that changed my life and outlook on joy & my circumstances. It talked about when you choose Jesus you choose joy, when you chase Jesus, you chase joy and when you believe Jesus, you believe joy. It was in that moment that I realized the Joy we have at our fingertips when we put our joy in Jesus instead of our circumstances. See I understood before that Joy is a fruit of the spirit but it wasn’t until THEN that I fully understood what exactly Joy found in Jesus means. A few days later, I got the call to move to Germany and sign my first pro basketball contract. Coincidence? I think not; God’s just cool like that. Here’s your reminder that God never wastes your wait. Sometimes He has to do a work in you, before He can do a work for you. Don’t lose the faith & most certainly don’t lose your JOY.
XO, Ky
Theme of the month
Discovering Your Purpose